Browsing: Windows/Doors

Ply Gem Windows has made available its 1500 Vinyl Collection, which features single-hung, sliding, picture and architectural-shape styles with a common sash and common sizing. Jamb…

Integrity Windows and Doors now offers a tripane glazing option for Wood-Ultrex casements and awnings. Three panes of glass and argon gas create U-factors of 0.18…

VERSATEX has added six profiles to its line of weather- and insect-resistant cellular PVC mouldings. The 16-footlong window-trim profiles include window sill, 11/4 by 43/4 inches;…

Kawneer Co. Inc. has put its ultra-thermal product portfolio through the rigors of blast-mitigation testing. The company’s AA425 Thermal Entrances, AA4325 OptiQ Ultra Thermal Fixed Over…